Monday, July 19, 2010

Hillary floors media persons yet again...

Hillary was prepared while our journalists weren't...
The difference was so obvious. Our guys and galls neither asked the right questions nor countered an argument however poorly replied. This is the second time she has done it. Earlier when she was here she nailed Talat Hussain this time almost all were floored particularly Meher of Dunya TV.
When spoken about water she took out her notes and countered it with most inefficient use of water in Pakistan and our people had not done their home work to tell her madam how efficient we are or not does not allow India to abrogate The Indus River Water Treaty. We just don't talk on right lines.
On Kashmir she was very categorical and adopted the Indian point of view. Our media gurus did not tell her, madam on one side you talk of war on terror and on the other side you ignore the basic issues that become the cause of it. You do not remind her of the atrocities that the army does on innocent unarmed people in Kashmir. Our journalists seemed to have been too enamored by her. They were treating her like a boss.
They did not tell her US and India talk so much of democracy why then a democratic solution is not on the card for the poor Kashmiris. Let them decide their own fate.
On Civil Nuclear Deal we again did not frame our questions right. Only Abbas asked one unrelated to Pakistan but a good question on 9/11 but she gave a very bad reply. She was not countered by saying when you drive people back to the walls for 50 years and when they want a democratic solution you use 7o vetoes to defend the tormentor.
This is in no way defending the accused who has been the cause of so much of misery in the Muslim world.

Rest later, time permitting.


Anonymous said...

Sir you need to have share option too, maybe a good option

Anonymous said...

Anyways I totally agree with you, our media personnel were under-prepared, and god forbid Hilary already had signed agreement with Pak government of giving way for Indians (not Indian traders) from Pakistan to Afghanistan in Pak Afghan tradeway

Anonymous said...

Good post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you for your information.