Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Lobbying... Pakistan always got bad press Internationally...

The diplomats never did their job, just enjoyed postings and perks...

What a shame really. All Pakistan has gotten so far is bad press world wide. It is always in the news for all the wrong reasons. Except for a little while in the mid sixties, Pakistan has been shown in negative light whether it is drugs, terrorism or nuclear affair. I used to think Pakistan never lobbied. But now it seems it has spent a fotune on lobbying. But it seems it has put the money for the wrong reasons and at wrong places or in officals pockets.

Whether it is Europe, America or Middle East Pakistan is reported negatively. Do the Pakistan officials not know what they want and what to expect of PR companies lobbying. I was most surprised to note even the so called Press Attaches who have all the perks in the world just do not know what to do. One such character was Charag A. posted in Jeddah as a Press Attache who had said he had no work. While The Indian Consulate in the same city had 7 press attaches and all were too busy.

The result - positive reporting was done for India with excellent damage control and negative reporting was done for Pakistan with no idea of damage control or country promotion. When people at helm are as what they are, what else can you expect? Now they are spending State Funds that is people's money on projecting a positive image of The President Asif Ali Zardari not Pakistan.

The dimplomats posted all over the world just do not do the job they are supposed to do. They just enjoy their perks. One must most certainly consider the reports published in The News and reported in Geo on the lobbying scam. Link: http://www.thenews.com.pk/top_story_detail.asp?Id=22972

And we blame others for our ills. All conspiracy theories propounders must think and set their own house in order.


Ayub Khan said...

The Pakistan officialdom is pathetic. First wrong people are appointed. They take things for granted and never learn. They do not even observe how badly we are reported worldwide. They do not even have clippings files on how we are reported. Unless merit starts counting and proper training is given there seems to be no chance at all. We will get corrupt leaders like Zardari and the beaureaucracy you already know its level. Rubbish.

Ali Khan said...

Our so called ruling class controls every thing. All institutions have been demolished in all walks of life. Only favouritism, nepotism rules. We will gets idiots to serve the country. See the entire police is there only to protect the vaderas, choudhries, sardars and the rich and wealthy. People get looted every moment. Right now some body some where must be shown a gun and looted. Plunder, problem, dacoity no problem. What are we living in I don't know.